Tips on how to maintain your digital lock.
Digital lock is one of the exiting technology that can give us a piece of mind on the safety of our house. So you need to maintain the life expectancy of digital lock in order to continue using it for a long period of time. Here are some tips that you can do to maintain […]
What types of lock for sliding door?
We seen many house have sliding door whether it is the owner request or its already being design when they want to build the house. But the questions is what types of lock that suitable for sliding doors? The best lock to use is hook door lock. What is hook door lock? Hook door lock […]
How to protect your house during festive seasons.
Festive seasons is coming nearer be it Christmas or Chinese New Year, we always look forward to it as we want to gather around to celebrate together. But as we gather around in one house, we will need to leave our house behind and this will create opportunity for robber. So how can we protect […]
Pull handle + digital lock a nice combination.
When you look this kind of door with pull handle already got ordinary lock also don’t you think it look nice? But it will look more nice if got more safety. how? Well to make it more safety you can add additional lock such as digital lock. You can use Rim type digital lock like […]
Classroom Lock
What is classroom lock? Classroom lock is a lock that allow the user to lock or unlock the door using key at certain time. this lock usually be used in school or university as the key is being held by the teachers. By using this lock, it can prevent intruder from vandalizing the classroom because […]
Digital lock phone application
So you want to buy digital lock and and want to know what digital lock should be bought so you went to lock shop that sell digital lock for a survey. They started to explaining about the product specification and you heard that this digital lock can be operated with smartphone too. But what what […]
Digital lock for cabinet
Imagine this, you like to keep your Anime Figure or vase or any other precious things in a cabinet that you have spend a lot of money on it but suddenly your niece came and broke it. I’m sure you feel sad and mad right. But this situation can be prevented. How? Let me tell […]
Why need to use door closer?
Did you notice that when you open your door it will close slowly? So what is this thing called? And what did it do? This device called Door closer is a mechanical device that control the movement of doors as it can prevent the door from being slam too loud by someone after they open […]
Why use Door stopper?
I’m sure you ever saw kids play with this thing as it can be fun game to them but did you know the benefit of door stopper to us? Allow me to tell you about this. Door stopper is an object that use to hold the door from opening to widely so that it wont […]
Digital lock on glass door.
We see a lot of glass door in our area be it convenience store or government office and what we can see at the glass door is only one lock that is at the bottom of the glass door and a roller shutter. Now imagine if the lock is broken and the roller shutter is […]