Category: Uncategorized

  • 4 Material that you need to think before buying handle lock.

    4 Material that you need to think before buying handle lock.

    When this problem occurs what will you do? well you might need to call carpenter to help you to unlock your damaged lock so that you can enter your house. But why this problem occurs? Because you are buying a cheap handle lock, and you won’t be using it for long time and will need […]

  • Samsung digital lock. In terms of material is it strong or weak?

    Samsung digital lock. In terms of material is it strong or weak?

    There is no denying that Samsung is one of the most popular brands in the field of technology and innovation. So it is not surprising if many people know, either from the phone, washing machine, or digital lock. But does digital lock from Samsung have the durability that suit to their name? So let’s found […]

  • What is digital lock?

    Digital lock is an electronic or battery-operated lock that does not require the use of mechanical keys to enter. And it works with the use of any of the following way: cards, Pin codes, fingerprints, Smartphones, Key or Face recognition. And as digital lock is fastly become a choice to use, for this we need […]

  • Avoid using “Heavy duty battery” for digital door lock. Why?

    Avoid using “Heavy duty battery” for digital door lock. Why?

    In order to use digital door lock for a long time, we need to avoid using this battery on digital door lock which is Heavy duty battery. What is the reason? The reason is: The batteries are usually designed for the continuous power consumption of the devices. Such as flashlight, Portable radio, clock and etc. […]

  • Is Digital lock a good choice for you to use especially for elder people?

    What is digital lock? A digital lock is a locking device that operates using battery or electric current, Which allows for a person to lock and unlock their door with their phone, fingerprint, pincode or card. But why digital lock is a good choice to use especially for older people? The reason is: These lock […]

  • What You Should Know Before a Buying Padlock

    What You Should Know Before a Buying Padlock

    Padlocks are usually associated with locking doors or gate, but it also can be use to lock for other things. For example, by securing your bicycle to a railing to avoid from being stolen. So, to protect your important belonging, you need a strong and reputable padlock. What is the brand that you can use? […]

  • Digital Door Lock for Metal Security Door

    Digital Door Lock for Metal Security Door

    A digital lock for metal door is the most important feature in our daily life. As It can provide a full security to the house. So when you use this kind of lock, it means that you don’t need to worry about someone breaking in without any warning. For example, if you are shopping on […]

  • The Benefits of a Weather-proof Digital Lock for Your Home

    The Benefits of a Weather-proof Digital Lock for Your Home

    There are a lot of advantages to owning a weatherproof digital lock for your home thus, making it a popular choice to use. Why? The first and foremost benefit is that it is more secure than the traditional lock. As the new locks come with advanced features such as fingerprint scanning, RF Card, keypad and […]

  • Is Digital Door Lock or Smart Door Lock Safe??

    As a locksmith, we’ve been called to plenty of burglar site (owner have to change lock after a thief force-in the lock). I think we’re qualified to give comment on this. There are different perspective to talk about this. Lets say you’re a person who always forget to lock the main door. In this case, […]

  • House still renovate? Can you install Smart lock at the door?

    House still renovate? Can you install Smart lock at the door?

    Smart lock? Renovation? time of finish? This is the things that you need to think when you renovate your house. And especially when you just brought Smart lock to put at your new door. So, when is the right time to actually install smart lock at your door? is it when the renovation in progress […]