Digital Door Lock: Will it make your life more complicated?

You’re looking to get a digital door lock. What’s the purpose?

We’re not 100% sure about you, but majority of our client look forward to manage their time better, and for convenience. The time wasted to look for keys, or making a return trip just to check if you forgot to lock your main door, are a simple waste of time.

But we give you caution here: if you get a digital lock with low quality, it will give you more headache than convenience. You will have to waste even more time to service it, get locked out, waiting for locksmith to come, etc etc etc.

Among the factors to look at are: material (more plastic or metal?), experience (new manufacturer or experienced), electronic part (processing speed, mobo quality) and locking mechanism.

So before deciding on digital lock, get a neutral and experienced advice. And don’t put your trust in brand name alone. Digital lock is still a new technology for every company. So even good brand are still testing it and might run into a lot of problems.

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