Digital lock for cabinet

Imagine this, you like to keep your Anime Figure or vase or any other precious things in a cabinet that you have spend a lot of money on it but suddenly your niece came and broke it. I’m sure you feel sad and mad right. But this situation can be prevented. How?

Let me tell you about this one digital lock. This FINETEC Q20 digital lock is very suitable to put on cabinet as the size is small and easy to use. It also can be put on drawer so you can hide your Money, Gold, or important Certificate as no one will know the pass code excerpt you.

This digital lock have the following features:

  • Card
  • Pin Code
  • Phone App
  • Mechanical Key

So when you are using this digital lock you wont have to worry about your niece or some small children try to messing with your things as they wont succeed to disturb it.

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