Photo credits: CBS Miami
We all heard of the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting in the US just early this month, 2 months ago. Half an earth away, yet we were shocked, and we sympathise with the victims’ family.
Shortly after in our locksmith forum, some common people ask and talked about bullet proof door and lock. Almost all locksmiths agree, that was not practical due to the cost and functions.
In fact, a good door lock had already saved many lives in this incident:
There was this one teacher, Shanthi Viswanathan, who took fast action and locked the classroom door immediately after hearing a fire alarm that doesn’t sounds right (other teacher escorted their students out). As the result of this heroic teacher, she saved herself and her whole class.
A wise teacher. A good door. A good door lock. These are the things that saved the students in that class.
To prevent such thing from happening to our family, we too need these. A wise action, a good door, and a good door lock.
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