One time, we receive a text messages from one customer asking us to go and have a look at their digital lock and as we arrive at their house, we were shock to see their lock being install like that.
It look so messy and unprofessional. How can you just install and leave it just like that. If it is your own house of course you want to make it beautifully and neatly so same goes with other people house. And it also can show you on what level of professional work you are.
If you do install lock like the picture above, you not only damage their digital lock but also their door as the lock is install in an unfit position and ugly looking.
Why did I say that. you can further look at the picture below.

As you can see on the first Photo, that the wire is not being adjusted properly. The wire is not suppose to be at the outside of the lock as it was suppose to be on the inside of the door.
Next, picture 2 you can see how messy and how rough the results for the strike plate mortise.
On Picture no.3 is the door condition after the digital lock is being remove. Got cracks on the door due to improper Drillbits.
Picture no 4 shows the damages wire and essential terminal due to improper installations.
So as you can see, this is what you get when you ask for untrained installer to installer your digital lock. Its cheap but risky
If you still have doubt about who can you trust to install digital lock on your door, you can further read our article here: https://finelockshop.com/uncategorized/2-types-of-door-lock-installer-and-their-installation-method/
You can find more information at www.finelockshop.com
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