Self Destruct by Customer (But still can’t enter)

A destroying attempt by our customer in Stapok. He said he tried the whole morning.

But end up still need to call us to unlock. And need to buy new lockset to replace. And the need to pass the new key to all family member.

If he call us in the first place, we ll unlock it in maximum 15 minutes. No need whole morning, no need change lock, no need to pass new key to family member.

But is not his fault. Everyone has his right to choose. 

  1. Whether you want to call for professional, hassle free and save time, or
  2. Whether you want to save the professional fee, but spend some extra time and effort and maybe little bit of trouble.

We respect their choice. We have some really poor client usually from some kampung, can’t afford our fee, but they are quite handyman, can even build a whole house themselves. We understand their condition. Hence we teach them the proper lock to destroy.

But if you wanna do it, make sure, double make sure you have some handy skill. This is not for some office professionals. 

If not, you will be like our client above. Time, effort, money, all wasted. Plus some trouble.

Advise from Locksmith,





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