Specially Made Product for You Only – Custom Made

This client an airline pilot, wants a thin and gold color keyhole cover (real term is escutcheon). A standard escutcheon is 10mm thick. Client needs 2mm below. Such item don’t exist in Malaysia. So don’t even think about getting it in Kuching. What’s the solution?

We have some close contact with a plasma-cutting factory. So the only way to go is to ask the boss to cut some few little pieces of brass plate for us. But it’s not that straighforward. This factory usually accepts orders in thousands and thousands of pieces. We want only 8 pieces? If not because of relationship, they might just get a broom and sweep us out! And we also have to supply the autoCAD drawings. 

But anyway we manage to cut this really nice golden brass escutcheon for our client. We still have to do some surfacing and finishing for these plates. After install he will be very happy and also unique.

Thank you Mr Pilot. And, can you get us some free ticket?

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