Barrel Bolt, Hidden Type

This item is getting popular nowadays in Kuching. We have seen a lot in our client door (asking for repair)

It is marketed as an additional locks for a wooden door. Same functions as a surface mounted barrel/tower bolt below:

Standard Barrel Bolt

Yes same function as above, but concealed into the door, not on surface.

Under some circumstances, we might recommend this concealed barrel bolt, like special location, rarely opened door, etc. 

However, as a standard guidelines, we say, avoid using this. Why? If you notice the top photo, there is a gear-shape key. There is also a gear inside the lock body. After repeated use, bolt-in, bolt-out (using the gear), what will happen to the gears? Both become rounded and later flatten. So you can’t bolt-out/ bolt-in anymore (actually can, if you use a sharp item and slowly hook the bolt in, but you will not want to do it everyday). No more gear teeth, so to speak. It might happen to the key, or to the gear inside the lock. 

The problem lies in the material used. Those gears are usually made of Zinc Alloy, a relatively soft metal. 

The photo that you saw on top, that bolt is sold by us, a highee quality type, full stainless steel lock body, yet the key is still Zinc Alloy. So it will last longer than those Zinc-body concealed bolt, but not too long. One day the key will still become flatten, although the gear inside the bolt part won’t.

We will continue to search for a manufacturer that produce full stainless steel bolt with stainless steel key. Stainless steel gear-key will last much longer, but we still need to test it first in order to not distribute a problematic items. 

Meanwhile we will say, stay away from this concealed barrel bolt, unless under a rare circumstances that make it a no-choice.

Use those surface mounted type. Old fashioned, but time tested.

Advise From Locksmith,
The Fine Lock Shop Team





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